Why Pray?
Practical Tips for Starting:
Set a Regular Time
Find a time each day to focus on prayer, whether in the morning, evening, or whenever works best.
Create a Quiet Space
Designate a peaceful spot, whether a cozy chair, outdoor area, or quiet room, where you can pray without distractions.
Try Prayer Journaling
Writing down your prayers can help you focus and see how God has responded over time.
Start Small
Begin with just a few minutes if you’re new to prayer. It’s the consistency that counts, not the length
Intergrate Prayer Throughout Your Day
Remember, you don’t have to set aside only one time to pray. Short prayers during breaks, commutes, or walks can help keep your heart connected to God all day.
Find What Works For You
God desires to connect with us we draw near to him. Our unique personality and wiring will impact how we best connect with God. Feel the freedom to experiment with different environments (indoors or outdoors) and postures (stationary or moving) to find what works best for you.
Prayer Models:
Here are a few helpful frameworks to guide your prayers:
A straightforward, four-step approach to prayer. Take a few moments with each step as you pray:
Adoration – Offer praise and worship to God, acknowledging His greatness.
Confession – Humbly admit your sins and seek forgiveness.
Thanksgiving – Express gratitude for God's blessings and faithfulness.
Supplication – Bring your needs and requests before God, trusting in His provision.
The Lords Prayer
In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus provides a powerful model for prayer. This scripture serves as a guide for how we can approach God in prayer.
As you reflect on each part, pause to pray in alignment with its focus:
Honoring God's name in worship.
Seeking His will above all else.
Thanking Him for his daily provision.
Presenting your needs and concerns
Asking for forgiveness while extending it towards others
Requesting His protection and strength
Statio, from the Latin word for “station” or “position,” is the practice of pausing intentionally to create space for God’s presence. Often seen as a "holy pause," it’s a way to transition mindfully between activities, allowing us to focus on God through silence, prayer, or meditation on Scripture.
To implement this practice begin pausing in your moments between everyday tasks and events to re-center yourself on God.
This can be as simple as praying "Thank you Jesus, I recenter myself on you. Be with me as I continue on with this day".
This practice invites us to be fully present in each moment, preparing our hearts for what’s next by grounding ourselves in God.
Prayer - Timothy Keller
Practice of the Presence of God - Brother Lawrence
A Praying Life - Paul E. Miller
Praying like Monks, Living like Fools - Tyler Staton
Lectio 365
Pray as you Go
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