
Core Values

At Awaken Church our purpose is to see lives bring worship to God, grow in discipleship to Jesus and love

people around us through the Holy Spirit. This vision comes alive through our five core values, which serve

as the foundation of our community.

We invite you to explore and deepen your understanding of these values through the resources below.

Each one is thoughtfully designed to help you connect more fully with God, grow in faith, and progress on

your discipleship journey. Let’s walk this path together, strengthened by these guiding values.

At Awaken Church our purpose is to

see lives bring worship to God, grow

in discipleship to Jesus and love

people around us through the Holy

Spirit. This vision comes alive through

our five core values, which serve as

the foundation of our community.

We invite you to explore and deepen

your understanding of these values

through the resources below. Each

one is thoughtfully designed to help

you connect more fully with God,

grow in faith, and progress on your

discipleship journey. Let’s walk this

path together, strengthened by these

guiding values.

At Awaken Church our purpose is to see lives bring worship to God, grow in discipleship to

Jesus and love people around us through the Holy Spirit. This vision comes alive through

our five core values, which serve as the foundation of our community.

We invite you to explore and deepen your understanding of these values through the

resources below. Each one is thoughtfully designed to help you connect more fully with God,

grow in faith, and progress on your discipleship journey. Let’s walk this path together,

strengthened by these guiding values.

At Awaken Church our purpose is to see lives bring worship to God,

grow in discipleship to Jesus and love people around us through

the Holy Spirit. This vision comes alive through our five core values,

which serve as the foundation of our community.

We invite you to explore and deepen your understanding of these

values through the resources below. Each one is thoughtfully

designed to help you connect more fully with God, grow in faith, and

progress on your discipleship journey. Let’s walk this path together,

strengthened by these guiding values.

At Awaken Church our purpose is to see lives bring

worship to God, grow in discipleship to Jesus and love

people around us through the Holy Spirit. This vision

comes alive through our five core values, which serve as

the foundation of our community.

We invite you to explore and deepen your understanding

of these values through the resources below. Each one is

thoughtfully designed to help you connect more fully

with God, grow in faith, and progress on your discipleship

journey. Let’s walk this path together, strengthened by

these guiding values.

  1. To be an Authentic Family Focused Community

Loveology - John Mark Comer

Meaning of Marriage - Tim Keller

Emotional Healthy Relationships - Pete Scazzero

Freedom of Simplicity - Richard J. Foster

Life Together - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  1. To be Filled, Gifted and Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Communion of the Holy Spirit - Watchman Nee

Beginners Guide to Spiritual Gifts - Sam Storms

Holy Fire - RT Kendall

  1. To Outwork the Gospel in our Community

Everybody Always - Bob Goff

Uncommon Ground - Timothy Keller

Simply Good News - NT Wright

The Gospel Comes with a Housekey - Rosaria Butterfield

  1. To Hunger for the Word of God

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth - Gordon Fee

How (not) to Read the Bible - Dan Kimball

Unbreakable - Andrew Wilson

Awaken Church Reading Plans

The Bible Project

  1. To Progress on our Discipleship Journey

Practicing the Way - John Mark Comer

Celebrations of Disciples - Richard Foster

The Cost of Discipleship - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Soul Keeping - John Ortberg

Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus - Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg

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