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About Acts Global Churches

Acts Global Churches is a second generation name for the Apostolic Church Australia. The National Leadership Team responded to a very strong conviction with regard to a fresh vision that perpetuates the original Apostolic Vision to “Belt the Globe.”
Acts Global Churches will continue the current structure, responsibility and practice in Australia while at the same time developing and responding to international requests for covering, mentoring and fathering. This initiative will focus on churches and movements in developed nations along with our current focus in growing greater connection in developing countries.

People sing on stage with lights and screens with band

The Apostolic Church Australia came into being as a result of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Wales in the early years of the twentieth century. The Lord raised up a group of people who shared a common experience of God’s saving power and were empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve Jesus Christ. They also saw in the Scriptures a biblical pattern of leadership and government designed to equip all God’s people for service and ministry.
The first generation of Apostolic Church members was intent on mission and took every opportunity to communicate a life-changing message. By the late 1920s the Apostolic Church had been planted in Australia and began with series of crusade meetings in each of our state capitals, with significant demonstrations of the power of God to heal.
A church with its beginnings so identified with a sovereign move of God is well placed celebrate the elements of its heritage. The Acts Global Churches remains unashamedly biblical, pentecostal and missions-oriented.


Acts Global Churches is one corporate body made up of local churches throughout Australia. The national leadership structure comprises the National Leadership Team and the Acts Global Churches Limited Board and together they attend to all matters of corporate governance.

Apostolic Networks

Each local church relates to a network leader who is responsible to assist the church in positioning itself for maximum effectiveness by training leaders, equipping people and presenting itself to its community in the most appropriate way. Churches are also encouraged to relate closely with other churches in the same network and are also free to relate with churches of other networks or other movements.


A local church is a group of believers who are conditionally authorised by Acts Global Churches to carry out functions normally associated with a Christian church.

The assembly leader is appointed by the National Leadership Team and the body responsible for final governance is appointed by the assembly leader and advised to, and ratified by, the Network Leader.