Gods House Our Home

Gods House Our Home

Gods House Our Home

Gods House Our Home

Gods House Our Home

What is Gods House Our Home Offering?

It still amazes us, even after years of following Jesus, that He loves to have us partner with Him in extending His kingdom. Every house is built by someone and we know that God is our builder, but we are able to be a part of it all. The Church is to be the ‘Salt and the Light’ in our city. A Church in the city brings hope. As you pray and give towards this offering be inspired to know you are partnering with God’s vision for our city to build HIS HOUSE and OUR HOME.  

Scott and Rachael Hanzy
Senior pastors Awaken Church

Give to your local Church

Give to your local Church

Give to your local Church


Direct deposit details

BSB: 032-713
Acc no: 187625


Direct deposit details

BSB: 032-695
Acc no: 527576
Reference: Launceston Awaken


Direct deposit details

BSB: 032-695
Acc no: 527576